Corporate Governance

Ahlsell’s corporate governance is aimed at sustainable value creation for shareholders through good internal control and a sound corporate culture. Good corporate governance leads to effective decision making and increases our scope for developing the business. Clear definition of roles and responsibilities between management and control bodies, and transparency with regard to owners and capital markets provides a solid foundation for active and responsible ownership.

Ahlsell AB is a Swedish company with registered office in Stockholm.

The external governance instruments that provide the framework for Ahlsell’s corporate governance are the Swedish Companies Act, the Swedish Annual Accounts Act and other relevant laws.

The most important internal governance instruments are the Articles of Association adopted by the Board. These are followed by the rules of procedure for the Board and its committees, the CEO’s instructions, business plans and budgets, and a number of policies, guidelines and procedures that are binding for the entire organisation. All policies are reviewed annually by the Board, and the whole Group works actively on implementing them. The Group’s subsidiaries apply their country's applicable laws and regulations, but also ensure compliance with the Group's policy documents.